Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sunday Funday

Today, I saw my first cloud on Serifos. Actually, I saw a few clouds. The wind is crazy, carrying the across the landscape in what would be record time in Springfield, MO.

This morning I began some travel writing about Armenia. I am turning some of my experiences there into travel essays. I have found that it’s a lot easier for me to write about things that are in the near- or even distant past. It’s hard for me to write thoughtful essays about things that have just happened. Now that I am 10 days past Athens, I feel like I can start to write about it. I wish I could understand why my brain functions like this. But, it’s fine. The course is ‘travel writing’, and luckily for me I have repertoire from previous summers. Today I even had the idea to write an essay about a trail ride our family took in the Grand Tetons. That was a wild day. While on the beach today I thought to myself, ‘I don’t remember enough to write an accurate travel essay’ about that. Then, I recalled that my horse’s name was Weston and I realized- I remember it remarkably well. I thought Justin was going to die while riding in that covered wagon- poor guy.

Around 4pm five of the other girls and I rented ATVs and drove them to the other side of the Island. It’s 10 Euro to rent an ATV for a day (gas included). That’s less than a platter of calamari. And get them for 24 hours. But, I was like ‘guys I don’t think we need to be holding on to these over night,’ for I was envisioning drunk people riding them tonight straight into the Aegean Sea- or them being stolen by hoodlums. This is when it’s so evident to me that I’m a lawyer’s daughter- always thinking about liability.

The trek to Mega Lividia was so, so incredibly fun AND beautiful. It was the perfect time of evening to make the trip because the sun was glistening on the water (blah blah I can’t really verbalize the beauty- and I probably sounds ridiculous in the attempt to do so) There’s virtually zero traffic on the dirt roads. We went back to the Cyclop’s Restaurant, near the cave. We drove past hundreds of little goats being herded around by shepherds- with their petite legs tied together so they can’t jump the rock fences. Then, we settled down to a beachfront meal of goat and calamari. It didn’t feel sad or wrong to eat those little guys- it felt (and tasted) so right.

On our way home we pulled over on the side of the road to snap some photos of a gorgeous view. OF COURSE, one of the ATVs wouldn’t start back up. We were about an hour’s drive from home. So two girls stayed back and the rest of us made the journey home to contact the rental place. Luckily, a priest/monk stopped for them and fixed their ATV so they made it home about 30 minutes after us. Today may have been my favorite day so far.

We have Greek class at 9:30am tomorrow. GAHHHHHHHHHHH!!! MARCOS RETURNS!!

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